Social Justice. Equality. Enterprise.

Trans Resource & Empowerment Centre, Manchester, March Events


Trans Resource & Empowerment Centre, Manchester,

Events in March

Hi all

We have great month in store for you in March, with three different events – our usual monthly social, an open meeting for anyone who wants to be involved in TREC and an afternoon celebrating International Women’s Day.


Open Meeting 

Friday 15th March 2013

17.30 – 19.00

The Lesbian, Gay Foundation, 5 Richmond Street, Manchester. M1 3HF

After the AGM and the Future of TREC meeting in January, it was decided that TREC moves back to being an unincorporated community organisation, which means that we’ll no longer have paid workers and will be concentrating on keeping a monthly social space for the trans community and their allies. To do this though, we need people to volunteer some time and energy. A few volunteers stepped forward to be involved, but we wanted to open up the opportunity and discussion to everyone. At this meeting we will be giving people the opportunity to talk about TREC over the coming year, volunteer time and skills or ask questions and see where you could fit in.

Ways in which you can contribute to TREC are varied and can be behind the scenes, such as answering emails, planning sessions, organising speakers or booking rooms, it could involve supporting people by email or on the phone or being at meetings to greet people and make them feel welcome or you could be involved in keeping the website or social media up to date with the latest TREC news.

If you would like to find out more, then please come along to the meeting.


TREC Monthly Social 

Friday 15th March 2013

19.00 – 21.00

The Lesbian, Gay Foundation, 5 Richmond Street, Manchester. M1 3HF

There will be the usual social event on the third Friday of the month. Details are being finalised and will be sent out shortly.


International Women’s Day Event 

Saturday 16th March 2013

15.00 – 18.00

The Lesbian, Gay Foundation, 5 Richmond Street, Manchester. M1 3HF

TREC will be hosting an event to celebrate International Women’s Day and to specifically recognise and celebrate the achievements and lives of trans* women. We will be exhibiting images and text from trans women from all over the world as well as more local women who want to get involved. We will also have a speaker from the community at the event, to be confirmed very soon. There will be the chance to socialise and discover some amazing women.

Get involved…

If you would like your image or words included in the exhibition, please send them to us at The images will only be used to create a print out and will be destroyed after this. Text can be sent in with an image or just as a piece of text and can be up to 500 words long. It can describe an achievement, a moment in your life, a celebration or moment when you first felt female, or any number of other things.


We hope to see you in March. If you would like any further information on these events, please contact us.



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