Social Justice. Equality. Enterprise.

Practice “LGBT Awareness in Schools Day” Lancaster, 24 Nov


Practise Makes Practice “LGBT Awareness in Schools Day”

Lancaster, 24 November 2012

Practice Makes Practice LGBT

Together with School's OUT, LGBT Youth North West has been working with hundreds of LGBT youth organisations across the UK over the last 8-years.

We have participated in and heard about vast and varied work which takes place in schools and colleges around the themes of LGBT awareness, homophobic bullying and issues to do with trans and bisexual identities.

We know that many people operate as free-lancers and often start by creating lots of their own resources, unaware of the many resources there are out there. We also know that some of the best resources that have been created have not had a platform to be shared and appreciated before.

There are many common problems facing those who are asked into schools from outside organisations to teach 'the gay lesson', but by sharing with one another we might be able to generate some new solutions or strategies to ensure that the work we do in schools is as effective and high quality as it can be.

This is why we have organised a share and learn day in Lancaster on 24 November 2012.

'Practise makes Practice' is a national best practice sharing day which welcomes input from those who are delivering this type of work in schools.  Come to this free, one-day event where you can share your work, learn from others and develop a best-practise guide for others hoping to strengthen or kick start similar work across the UK. We are inviting people to input 15 minute micro-teaches to showcase some of the methods you use in schools.

We aim to draw together the inputs from the day into an online best-practice guide that we can all use for free to improve our own work as well as to encourage and help others who do this vital work.

So if you would like to participate in the day in general or contribute a micro teach please email with your name, contact details and information about the micro-teach you want to deliver.

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